Friday, July 17, 2020

Maladaptive Behaviors in Panic Disorder

Maladaptive Behaviors in Panic Disorder Panic Disorder Symptoms Print Common Maladaptive Behaviors Related to Panic Disorder By Sheryl Ankrom linkedin Sheryl Ankrom is a clinical professional counselor and nationally certified clinical mental health counselor specializing in anxiety disorders. Learn about our editorial policy Sheryl Ankrom Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on October 21, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on May 30, 2019 Volanthevist / Getty Images More in Panic Disorder Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Coping Related Conditions If you experience frequent  panic (anxiety) attacks  and have been diagnosed with  panic disorder  or another anxiety disorder, you may have inadvertently developed maladaptive, or poor, patterns of behavior to cope with your situation. Understanding Maladaptive Behaviors Maladaptive behaviors inhibit your ability to adjust healthily to particular situations. In essence, they prevent you from adapting or coping well with the demands and stresses of life. Often used to reduce anxiety, maladaptive behaviors result in dysfunctional and non-productive outcomesâ€"in other words, they are more harmful than helpful. Maladaptive behaviors are classified here as dysfunctional because they tend to provide only short-term relief from anxietyâ€"they dont help you cope with your anxiety in the long run. These behaviors are non-productive because they do nothing to alleviate the root of your problem and may, in fact, serve as reinforcers of the underlying problem. How the Symptoms of Panic Attacks Can Be Managed Maladaptive Behaviors Associated With Panic Disorder Some common maladaptive behaviors that are related to panic disorder include: Avoidance For many people, the symptoms of panic disorder  often trigger an array of avoidant behaviors. This can result in agoraphobia, a common complication that occurs in 25 percent to 50 percent of people with panic disorder. Agoraphobia can take a little time to develop, or it can come on rather quickly. Some sufferers believe their agoraphobic symptoms began after their first panic attack. Once agoraphobia takes root, avoidance behaviors often multiply quickly. Substance Misuse People with anxiety disorders, including panic disorder and agoraphobia, sometimes use alcohol or other substances as a means of coping with fear and anxiety. Studies show that people with anxiety disorders are more likely to have an alcohol or other substance abuse disorder than those without an anxiety disorder.  Abusing alcohol or other drugs to control stress and anxiety is classified as a maladaptive behavior because it provides only temporary relief from anxiety and actually may create more long-term problems. Substance abuse does not fix the underlying problem and long-term alcohol or drug use or misuse can lead to tolerance, dependence, and for some, addiction. The Dangers of Using Alcohol and Drugs to Relieve Anxiety Withdrawing Many challenges in life require ongoing actionâ€"both behaviorally and mentally. Sometimes we struggle and succeed. Sometimes we struggle and fail. When the latter occurs, we can try again, or we can withdraw from the conflict with a resigned acceptance of our situation.   When it comes to panic disorder or other anxiety disorders, withdrawing is incompatible with recovery. It is a maladaptive behavior because it means we submit to the illness and become unable to meet the demands of life. In essence, withdrawing in this sense is like giving up. Converting Anxiety to Anger Its normal for people who have panic disorder, agoraphobia, or another anxiety disorder to experience frustration because of their condition. Sometimes this frustration can develop into angerâ€"anger toward yourself, anger at your situation, or anger toward others. This type of anger is rooted in anxiety. Anger is a powerful feeling that is a normal part of the human experience. Everyone has felt angry at one time or another, and anger itself is not a bad thing. But if you express your anger in unhealthy ways, it can become a problem. Plus, anger can intensify your anxiety and worsen your panic symptoms. The good news is that  anger management programs can help you find more adaptive ways to deal with anxiety. Dealing With Anger in a Healthy Way Is Crucial A Word From  Verywell For many people, the recovery process from anxiety disorders is slow and filled with setbacks. Recovery is accomplished with diligence and a strong resolve to not accept the control that panic attacks and other anxiety-related symptoms have over our lives.